3 months


Berlari-lari mengupdate December.. Mcm2 event..! =)

1. Learn

I've started to learn mandarin. I bought Mandarin's book for kindergarten. Sound funny ryte? I find it difficult in the beginning, but its more difficult later on. Hampeh punyer mandarin. Maybe learn sowang2 xjadi kot. Nk msk class ah. Ah, 2011, mahir mandarin. Sounds cool. Pasni ley laa lepak kedai cina. =) Em, instead of polishing n learning boilers and cooling tower, i need to learn more bout designing an aquarium. Life Support System and more into chemical treatment of wastewater using nitrification and dinitrification process. Bio-ball should be a good start.

2. Social

I bought Zaid Ibrahim's book title "I, too am Malay". It was a great book..! even though i've not finished read it. =p The book written by Malay for Malay to uplift the standard of our races. I think the needs for the young teenagers like us to have an idea in Malaysia’s economy are compulsory. I meant it. The colors, the vibrant in Malaysia political issue must be fully understand before we have some "sembang kopi". Be rational, talk wise, read a lot..! kocak2..!!!

3. 2011

In the fort night, we had a meeting regarding our 2011 projection future target. "Hadi, your honeymoon time in AQL is OVER. Its time to show me the results" yeah.. Ah, next year i'll be 25..! wowwee... Jubli Perak weyh... Silver Shine in Moon... lala lalaaa... What is my target? Hurm..... Saya mahu jadi lelaki solehah. Ok x? bluekk... Sure kena gelak ah... hahahaa.. I'll make sure i'll have at least 10. =)

4. Oh Oh HOT

Oooooooo..... Saper tgk Blogger Boy? Dats is my fev k. Lately jela.. =) Ad gadis ni name Nina. Heroin dlm citer nie.. I felt in love with the gurl... Who is she? Her name is Julie Woon. Sgt lawa and menggiurkan... gilo ah.. Owang berjambang pun sanggup tinggal bini kalo dpt dinner ngan dier weyh... Eh, actually, I've met her at KL Motor Show. Bumble-Bee x hot mcm dier k. We had some photos. Anyway, that motor show was quite brilliant. It should be organized every year. Proton has come out with several prototype cars. Basically its a process of make up from others' manufactures. Lancer to Inspira. Lotus to Tuah. But hey, would you pay extra RM 700 per month for a same car? So be it. We r still Malaysia ryte? We shop during Sales, shopping at Jalan Tar. We are good at getting things that cheap. Kalau boleh, makan pagi petang siang malam pon nk kerajaan tanggung. Gula? Petrol? gezzz.

5. Injurt

Next... when was da last time I've injurt? oh, during my practical. Around 2 years a go. My left shoulder dislocate. My lengan kiri terkeluar dari soket bahu. Sakit beb. G hospital, mskkan balik lengan tue. Last week (12/12/2010). Terjadi lagi... hoyeah... But this this, 2 kali dalam padang. I was playing for SMS Old Boys versus High School Klang in the Alumni League Final. The first time it dislocate, i mskkan blk. 2nd time kena, pergh.. longlai tros. lemah seluruh badan.. "Coach, mintak tuka, tgn tercabut" bukan simpati, tp audience sumer gelak ingat klaka. Ini serious beb.. wa sakit. Naseb menang ngan bergaya... =)

6. AFF Suzuki

Pergh.. To prove that I’m Malaysian, I went to the stadium for the tournament. Malaysia versus Vietnam. Hurm, sebab ape dowang men tournament nie, jgn tanye k. I just noe Malaysia main. n ade rezeki lebey nk tgk game. Maybe i''ll b more patriotic if I go for the Final also.. =) Its a good game. Gudluck Malaysia. We gonna face Indonesia in the final at Bukit Jalil. Guys, cant wait to see u at the stadium. We'll do the dance together..! Go Harimau Malaya.. mmeeoowww..! =)

Tanah Tumpah Darahku.!

7. Wedding

Hurm, my bigbro wedding sudah selamat dilansungkan. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Cuaca redup. Tetamu sgt2 ramai. Cousin rocks. Everything perfect. But, sgt sgt sgt letey... Best2... Yg best skali, mknn extremely delicious. Kami masak gulai daging salai, bubur pulut hitam and pulut kuning. The quantity might be surprising. Puas2. Kesian kt opah yang injurt time melayan tetamu.. hehehe.. klaka pulak. "Emak nie men takraw ker dlm majlis kawin td? sampai injurt2 nie-nukilan uncle-ku yg sengal"

ah, heading for a Chrismas. wowwee.... love love love

Ah, today, I'm celebrating my 3rd months working at Aquionics Laboratories Sdn Bhd..

ait, dats all.. n

1 comment:

~CinDerella~ said...

no 3 tu mmg aku gelak..tmbh lak ngn no4,,da buang kopiah letak tepi.hahaha..boleh2 D,if nk jd laki org,no3 tu mst ko leh nye..=)