Raya 2010

My latest picture
My parent... Still young... 47


I would like to wish you all

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Maaf Zahir & Batin

For this festive, my family and I went back to Perak (dad’s side). One of the uniqueness on this side is the number of human exist. In the morning feast, all of the 50 humans will lined up in front of the toilet for their “mandi sunat Aidilfitri”. Some of them need to take their shower before Subuh..! It is not something new for this family as the delicacies available finished up by Zuhur. Troublesome for the aunties and girls as most of their time in the kitchen! Instead of visiting neighbor and relatives, we would rather stay home and do In-House activity. And if we visit someone, we’ll clean up all the delicacies available. (^^)

For this festive, we are celebrating it with the addition of new member. “my new in-law”. Style kan? One of my favorite activity is playing football with cousin and having a chat till Subuh.! It is not just an empty chatting; we get to know our cousin by confrontation, debating, explaining, mocking and etc. I took the discussion seriously as I concerned for my cousin well being. Then, we play snooker on the first day of Hari Raya.

After having a good event in Perak, i think, the best celebration ever... =). On the third day of the festive, we went back to Melaka (mom’s side). Surprisingly the journey is smooth without any heavy traffic jam as usual. Rendang ayam bela sendiri+daging tempatan fresh+asam pedas ikan parang+ayam masak lemak cili padi+petai..! and lots and lots of ulam as the vegetables grows around da house. We tried “kuih udang” at Alor Gajah bus terminal. Sedap woo...And da best part for dis festive is "I've received duit Raya..!" wee....

So, these are some of my activity during this eid. I gain several kg but, its Raya kan? Who cares bout da weight... hehehe


erinazrina said...

'its Raya kan,who cares bout da weight'
i looiike that !! ^___^ makes me kinda relief..hahaaa :P

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